Honeybee Study: Analytical & analogical diagrams, Brittany Nargi
Students study the ecology and morphology of a living thing selected from the biological kingdoms of Animalia and Plantae. The research and graphic analysis enables the production of an analog which in turn informs the design of a site-specific structure.

Honeybee-bicycle Rack, Skirkanich Hall: View, Brittany Nargi

Honeybee-bicycle Rack, Skirkanich Hall: Orthographic drawings & site plan, Brittany Nargi

Honeybee-bicycle Rack, Skirkanich Hall: View, Brittany Nargi

Honeybee-bicycle Rack, Skirkanich Hall: View, Brittany Nargi

Viperfish Study: Analytical & analogical diagrams, Martina Merlo

Viperfish Study: Analogical & generative diagram, Martina Merlo

Viperfish-pavilion, Walnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia: Exterior view, Martina Merlo

Viperfish-pavilion, Walnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia: Model, Martina Merlo

Viperfish-pavilion, Walnut Street Bridge, Philadelphia: Interior view, Martina Merlo

Cholla Cactus Skeleton Study: Analytical, analogical & generative diagrams, Dillon Horwitz

Cactus-sun Shelter, Sonora Desert: Axonometric diagrams, site plan & view, Dillon Horwitz