Past Events

Past Events

ARCHtank: Winter 2022 Alumni Panel


"Wondering whether to pursue a graduate degree in architecture or a related field after Penn? Want to get the inside scoop of what an M.Arch program is like?"

ARCHtank is holding our…

Inspiration & Innovation in Structures


Powell Draper: a structural engineer and Director of the New York office of Schleich Bergemann Partner (SBP), an international award-winning structural…

Glenstone Museum, Potomac, Maryland

ARCHtank Field Trip

Art + Architecture+ Landscape

The Glenstone Museum exhibits post-World War II artworks that trace the historical currents of the 20th and 21st centuries. These works of art are presented in a…

From Composites to Robotics


Andrew Wit: Redefining the contemporary built environment through the integration of materials such as carbon fiber-reinforced polymers with collaborative machines for robotic production.

Studio Joseph


Wendy Evans Joseph: Interdisciplinary design of immersive environments for shared learning in museum design and exhibition installations.

Terrain Translation

Studio Exhibition: ARCH 302: Design II, Christopher McAdams, instructor

An investigation of topographies, tectonics and the relationships of landform buildings through parametric scaffolds.

Geometrical Descriptions

Annual Exhibition

An exhibition of descriptive geometry, orthogonal geometry, non-euclidean geometry, intersecting geometries and polyhedral nets.

Baroque Topologies

Annual Exhibition

A reassessment of formal and spatial complexity of Italian Baroque Architecture in the era of big data.

Empathetic Architecture
